Cognitive dissonance
*An Exquisite Roulette*
When she saw the television program
she knew something was off;
regardless, she voted it on—
and in the end, can we blame her:
Can we blame blindfolds
surrounded by crossed swords;
the tv static humming faint fluttered buzzing,
and in the end will we shame her:
She was drowning, swimming between channels
and tributaries of cinema, stage, and screen.
We laughed at her, we cried with her,
we buried our fury beneath logos and lawn signs.
“Have you seen the end of this?” said a talking clownfish.
She’d forgotten she was a character in her own drama
like happens in a dream. When up against yourself,
You stutter, staking out a claim, that never fully realizes
it’s wrong.
*Subject drawn from a hat by first co-lab-er; then passed around the group*
Creative Commons: Various & Gould