We accept the following online submissions (and little else):
Words: clickbait (listicles, charticles, multiple choice, etc.), hallucination, nested parentheses, kitchensinks, no daffodils (narcissi and pataphors OK), formaphors, finds, intellectually transmitted diseases, troll lit, and the instantaneous. It is dangerous to submit memoir.
Pictures: memes (cat, nihilist, conceptual, etc.), chimeras, interdimensionality, infinitism, no fruit bowls (nudes and otheries OK), bricolage, readymades, virality, depersonalization, and the immediate. And no more masterpieces of any kind.
Book Excerpts: the polyphonic, historypunk, epater-le-bourgeois, exaggerated realism, künstlerroman, the collaborative, quantum plotting, post-posthumanism, nano-bohemias, and the unexpected. Anything the Big 5 or the Ivory League want, we want nothing to do with.
Views: monologues, shabbylectualist, dislikes, blurbs, flâneurista posts, dialogs, choose-your-own-opinion, pomo-pop-culture essays, micro-utopias, and the uninhibited. Anything no one but us would click on or even like in a FB, IG, or SC feed.
Send your online submission in the format of .doc/x, .odt, .pdf, .jpg, or hyperlink for film to: 5thwallpress@gmail.com
We're open to all unsolicited submissions and there are no fees. Pieces that are (3,000-ish words/10-ish images/10-ish minutes) or less are more likely to be accepted, but if you can keep us interested past that: please do. After all, we want you to make words & pictures as ambitiously as possible.
If your previously-unpublished work is selected for publication in our online magazine, we obtain the non-exclusive right to display your words or pictures online on our site and on Facebook (or Youtube for video). If you publish it elsewhere in the future, we'd appreciate you mentioning us in the fine print. We accept simultaneous submissions and we will take words and pictures that have appeared in other magazines online if the site is no longer up (and you maintain the rights to do so). We do not offer compensation, nor do we plan on anthologizing online work in print. See open calls for print anthologies below if you're looking to appear in print.
Open Calls for Print Anthologies:
There are no current open calls.
Afterlives of the Writers was our first anthology.
On publication, authors of anthologies will each get one free print copy of the book shipped to them, but seeing as this press is too small to currently generate a profit, no royalties will be given. Authors will agree to giving first publication rights in print and e-book prior to publication. Authors can request additional print copies at bulk price if they paypal the publisher the money to do so—and do have the right to sell them individually as they see fit. (Afterlives of the Writers contracts did offer royalties, though none have been generated to payout levels as of yet.)
Dylan Forsyth is a poet (on Poetizer), novelist, essayist, amateur bohemian historian, musician Eli Grandiose on Soundcloud, & micro-utopian advocate. His work has appeared in Maudlin House, theNewerYork, Literary Orphans, Mannequin Haus, Counterexample Poetics, Polyphony, and others. He studied ambitious-as-possible undergrad poetry under the tutelage of experimental poet/professor Bruce Beasley. And now refuses to get an MFA unless he's paid for it, and even then it's debatable. He lives and works in Portland, Oregon as Authenticity Markets continue to slide into decadent foodie sloth and indykitsch post-subcultural values strangle and cannibalize all hippetitors. His most recent novel, Hypelandia, verifies the onslaught of hypergentrified identity based marketing from Portland to Detroit. Find a free pdf of it here.